Defending FOD in ParaFC

> I've seen the defense against para-fod in a non FC game, but what's the
> defense in a malaFC game?  Is there a defense guaranteed to work, and at
> which point is it guaranteed and which point where you can defend but it
> comes down to a 50/50 guess?
Generally: Para/Antispell(by Yaron)

If you want a 100% defense, you could use the same ParaFF system of para-chain on one hand, anti-spell on the other. In ParaFC, there's the extra complication involved in preventing your opponnent from turning your para-chain into a half-clap chain. So, for example, with a common P/D opening:


If they para you on turn 3 (or any turn afterwards), they get hit with a disruption.

If you have S or W (rather than D) on turn 1, replace amnesia with fear or counterspell, as appropriate.

The problem, of course, is that the opponent can get an advantage by aborting the FoD at an opportune moment, for Cause Heavy wounds, Fireball, or even Ogre on the second turn. If anyone knows of a 100% defense that doesn't suffer from this, now's a good time to speak up.

In Midgame(by Slartucker)

In midgame, you have the added complication of being unable to drop what you are doing and begin an FOD defense every time you see P/F.

The simplest way to stop FOD is to force an antispell through. To do that generally requires throwing a disruption on S, P, and F, and that requires paralysis. Since your opponent probably started throwing Fs before you did, you need another disruption to protect your own para. If you are willing to drop everything when you see P/F, this is easy. For example:


Employing such a tactic from PW/FF, or even from FF/xP, is harder.

You can drop everything for F/F and force one hand through. This gets you two 50-50s and lets you surrender if you lose them. 75% out isn't bad, but it's not great either.

Another tactic: SWDPP/SDDxx. This gets you two 50-50s if you don't mind risking death.

There are better options, but they are all very situational. One of the best, if someone starts FOD on you when you have been gesturing Ws (after a Fear/Amnesia combo, for example), is as follows:


Counterspell protects your first F. On the second F, they have to para your other hand to prevent Antispell. The next two turns provide 50-50 shots. The second one does steal some initiative from you if you win it, but not too much. The third 50-50 is the turn of the time stop. If you aren't paralyzed, the time stop allows you to mirror; if you are, it allows you to surrender.

This defense is particularly nice in that if your opponent aborts FOD for Cause Heavy, you should be able to grab some initiative with your time stop.

> So let's say you get hit like this:
> and you can't block the charm, what can you do?
If you are willing to drop everything, this one's easy to deal with if you see it. Just do F/F twice, and you'll get a single FF. Then you have FFF the same time they do, on PWPF, which lets you get off SPFP on your other hand.

Charm/FOD is not really a threat, however -- aside from a possible counterspell the turn before the charm, they have no way of protecting their spellflow, so ANY single disruption can prevent it.

Taliesin adds: The best prevention is to have monsters on your side. Few players are willing to go through a damage-intensive FoD run-up with a probable 50-50 at the end.

In the Opening(by Taliesin)

We have the nifty Justix variant for MalaFC which ensures you cannot be hit by FoD if you open D/P:

This leads to
ensuring that Blindness will land either way. You trade off three health for Blindness with para on entry. In my experience, this swap is usually workable as your opponent is in no position to summon.

(While I have never had to use this, as people usually aren't foolish enough to attempt an opening ParaFoD in a ParaFC game, I have used this ParaFF variant of my own design predating the weave above:

also viable in ParaFF is:
which prevents the WPFD from landing at the unfortunate expense of extra vulnerability to ogre-summoning.

Surial is responsible for the following refinement:

The main concern with Justix's weave is that it is weaker against PSFW/FFFF, a problem not present with the ParaFF weaves. However, the liability in this instance is limited to taking two damage from an ogre you will destroy with PDWP (obviously, you will have to continue DFS or similar on the other hand), and it provides a 100% certain escape from ParaFoD.

The ParaFC line I've tended to adopt:

Assuming that they navigate all the 50-50s and paralyse you at DFWF, you can mutually paralyse them in return. Do not paralyse their FoD into a Fireball, but rather, paralyse the F hand. You will be forced to clap and lose a little initiative, but they will be unable to land either FoD or Fireball.